Unfortunately, as you probably already know, Ruby. To be absolutely clear, I really like it (though I have little to compare it against), but it has its … idiosyncracies. For example, there are approximately 837 methods that will return you the size of a list:

array = [1, 2, 3, 4]

=> 4

=> 4

=> 4

But should you want to add all the numbers in array together, you will find exactly zero methods in Ruby called sum.

Fortunately (?) there’s a completely opaque and advanced Ruby solution that you can use to perform literally the simplest mathematical operation on a list of numbers in the most convoluted way possible. It’s called inject.

With thanks to my friend nelhage (and apologies where they are due – any inaccuracies are most definitely mine), let’s do some simple addition:

array = [1, 2, 3, 4]
array.inject(0) { |sum, x| sum + x }
=> 10

Don’t panic. We’re gonna get through this together.

inject takes both an argument and a block. (The argument I’ve specified, 0, is actually the default, meaning I could have left it out entirely and Ruby would have been just fine with that. I included it for illustrative purposes, but the cool thing is if I had made it 1, the whole thing would have returned 11. Play around in pry and see for yourself.)

The block is just a bit of code like others you’ve seen. It takes two arguments of its own, which I’ve named sum and x, but these are of course arbitrary and while I was playing around with inject I literally named them grapes and bananas for a bit just to prove their arbitrariness to myself. (But remember, computer programs are handcranked by people, so give your variables and arguments names that are meaningful to people!) sum is the result of what’s happening in the block, so the first time it runs (before the block has had a chance to do anything), inject’s argument (in this case 0) is the value of sum. x is the next array item in sequence.

^^^^ but that’s all super confusing. Let’s walk through what’s actually happening. Recall:

array = [1, 2, 3, 4]
array.inject(0) { |sum, x| sum + x }
  • inject calls the starting value 0 and conveniently sticks that in sum. It adds sum to the first value in our array, 1, meaning where sum = 0 and x = 1, sum + x = 0 + 1. This returns a sum of 1, which is looped back into the block now as the new value of sum.

  • Now in our second pass through the block, sum = 1 and x = 2, the next value in the array. So now sum + x = 1 + 2. This returns a value of 3, which is passed back into the block as the new new value of sum.

  • On our third iteration, sum is 3 and now x is 3 (the third item in our array). So sum + x = 3 + 3 returns of value of 6, which is passed back into the block as the next value of sum.

  • Now sum equals 6 and the value of x is 4, the fourth (and final) value in the array. Therefore, sum + x = 6 + 4, which returns a final value of 10.

=> 10

Congratulations! You are now equipped to define your own sum method:

def sum(array)
  array.inject(0) { |sum, x| sum + x }

Turns out there’s more cool stuff you can do with inject! But I’m saving it for my next post because there’s already enough words on this page.